Hello There

29 Feb

Hi. Remember me? It’s been a while. 2012 has been pretty quiet on the blog front. Not so much in real life, though.

Since Christmas, we’ve dealt with: a birth in the family back home, an unexpected death in the family back home, troubles with the apartment we’re purchasing, snow, travel, tax issues, furniture shopping, busy work-schedules, lots of beer drinking, going to see a lot of movies, and now packing up to move.

Tomorrow is the day we sign the final paperwork, and get the keys to our new apartment in Amsterdam. It’s been a loooooooooong road, and I’ll write a blog entry later about my experiences purchasing an apartment here in the Netherlands. Let’s just say if you, dear reader, decide to purchase, it can only be better than my experience. In the meantime, I predict my weekend will be dominated by me being crouched over some particle board, screwdriver in hand, trying to figure out Dutch IKEA assembly instructions. Cross your fingers for me.

Finally, I’ve noticed a disturbing trend on my blog since New Years. My “Nieuwjaarsduik” post contained a few pictures of bikini-clad women, aka, “Unox Meisjes”. Ever since then, I’ve been getting quite a few visitors arrive here after Googling for “meisjes” (girls), “bikini girls”, and “hot dutch women.” I can only imagine the disappointment on those peoples faces when they load my blog. Sorry fellas. On the other hand, maybe this is a good business opportunity for me, and I should start “”


Posted by on February 29, 2012 in Life in the Dam, Misc


3 responses to “Hello There

  1. lily

    February 29, 2012 at 15:28

    Congratulations on the new apartment! No need to worry about Dutch Ikea instructions, they usually have lots of pictures in them 🙂

  2. Niki

    March 1, 2012 at 00:00

    Good luck with the IKEA stuff! The instructions do tend to come with a lot of pictures.

  3. Invader_Stu

    March 6, 2012 at 22:13

    Typing is bound to get you a few other visitors now as well :p


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